ASK THE EXPERT: People Suck at Saving, and it's not their fault 

On Wednesday May 31, 2023 at 1:30pm, I'll be interviewing one of Edmonton's top Financial Planners. He'll be chatting about the Human Behaviour behind having difficulty saving for your future self............and then will give you a tool on how to start saving, no matter what age you're at. Reach out to me OR scan the QR code to get your virtual ticket. I'd love for you to join.

For more info call/text me at 780-905-7773




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2022 - Top 10 Real Estate Agent Award

Renee Brown of YEG Homes by Renee RE/MAX Named as Top 10 Real Estate Agent

Sales Insider - Friday, January 27, 2023.

We are proud to announce that Renee Brown is a recipient of this year’s Top 10 Real Estate Agent Award. With consistently excellent service and client care throughout 2022, Renee is a valued member of the Edmonton Real Estate community who has demonstrated exceptional dedication to local clients and their needs. This level of service is an inspiration, and we are honored to recognize Renee's hard work and dedication with this award.

Since being licensed in 2002, Edmonton Realtor Renee Brown continues to achieve award winning results in the Edmonton and Area Real Estate Market. Renee’s main focus is developing long lasting relationships not only with clients, but also key Industry members such as trade partners and builders. Renee is committed to understanding the industry as well as her client’s needs and wants. Renee is highly professional, motivated Realtor. Whether you are buying or selling a home in the Edmonton area, you won’t go wrong developing a long-lasting relationship with Renee.

For more please visit:


Why sell in the Winter?
Why sell in the winter? Believe it or not, for most sellers, it can be more enjoyable to have their home on the market in the winter!! You may ask Why?? Well, here are a few benefits:

1. Way less lookee Lous - Most people don't LOVE looking at houses in the winter because its so cold and snowy. Those that are actually out there looking, are typically VERY serious buyers. This way, you are only leaving your home for people that are serious about buying NOW!! In the summer, it tends to bring people out that are "just throwing around the idea of buying". Showings are further between, however they are serious buyers.

2. Because the market has slowed down, buyers are able to take their time looking at homes and making solid decisions (and not rushed ones) when putting in offers. Buyer's remorse is way less likely to happen in the winter time.

3. For Buyers, you're able to see how well the home is insulated. When the weather is cold outside, it can easily translate inside if the home isn't properly insulated. These are the type of issues that will come up on a property inspection at this time of the year.

These are just a few benefits of buying and selling now, rather than waiting until Spring. For more info call/text me at 780-905-7773 or click on and visit my website
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5 Year Average Sale Price - Edmonton and Area - SFH
While at our Remax Convention in Quebec City, we had the pleasure of listening to an Economic Forecast presented by Benjamin Tal, managing director and deputy chief economist of CIBC. Where we are sitting at now with the Bank of Canada rate is sustainable. With all the new Immigrants to Canada this year and the coming years, he predicts that the economy should start looking better come 2024.

This being said, things are NOT bad right now. Prime rate is at somewhat at a normal standing when you take a look at past history. The media is putting fear into everyone about the Economy and Housing prices. Over the next few weeks, I'm going to share some of Edmonton's Real Estate Stats. This will show you that yes, things have slowed down (which is a good thing as we COULD NOT sustain what our market was doing earlier this year) but we are back to a normal market which will benefit both buyers and sellers.

Today I'm sharing with you the Average Sale Price for Edmonton and Area over the past 5 years. It wouldn't be a bad thing if we returned back to where the average sale price was in 2021. 

For more info call/text me at 780-905-7773 or click on and visit my website




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14 Month Average Sale Price - Edmonton and Area
The Real Estate Market has been a buzz of predictions over the past few months with the rise in the Bank of Canada rate. The media has taken a hold of it and have scared people into thinking our real estate market is going to take a nose dive.
Well, I"m here to provide you with some factual statistics to show that we are at a normal spot when it comes to the average sale price for a single family home at this time of the year in Edmonton and Area.
These are stats straight fromthe Realtors Association of Edmonton covering the Edmonton and Area Real Estate Market.
As you can see, our market took a ridiculous spike in Jan/Feb of this year. It was something our economy couldn't sustain and something needed to be done about it. Hence the rise of Interest Rates and the intentional slow down of the market. Our stats are now at a similar spot for the average sale price for a SFH as they were last year...........and that was a tad higher than in previous years. For more info call/text me at 780-905-7773 or click on and visit my website




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What differentiate's me from other Realtors
When people are Interviewing Realtors to chose the one that will be handling the sale of their biggest asset, they ask me what differentiates me from others. The drive to make this transaction as seamless and positive as possible and to make it an enjoyable experience is my goal. 

I’d love to meet with you to do a market evaluation of your home and explain my strategies on how to make this a 5 Star ⭐️experience. *
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Why do I need a Lawyer?
If you follow major league baseball, you’ll be able to appreciate this analogy. A lawyer is like the “closer” that the coach puts in at the bottom of the 9th. They finish off that very important 1/2 inning to ensure everything ends seamlessly. The lawyer ensures that you’re legally protect with your purchase and takes care of transferring the title into your ownership. If you’re needing a great lawyer, I have an unbelievable referral for you @henningbyrne *

Why do I need a Realtor?

One of the top unknown realities of a first time home buyers is: the buyer does NOT have to pay real estate fees!!! Just in case you missed that - If you’re a buyer, you do not have to pay any real estate fees. How awesome is that??? We, as Realtors have Fiduciary Duties to ensure that we look after YOUR best interests and no one else’s. There are so many legal entities involved in a real estate transaction, there are certain due diligence that you want to take to protect yourself and your investment…….and how about paying a fair market value for your new home AND knowing that it has good resale value! This is what your realtor will do for you while representing you. 

Many buyers will approach the listing realtor of each home for them to show that home…… this is another “faux pas”. That is a conflict of interest as the listing realtor is also representing the seller. The best advise I can give you is to interview a few realtors and see who is most in line with what you’re looking for and who you connect with the best. Work with that realtor to find the perfect home for YOU!!

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Tips For  First Time Home Buyers
Have you been toying around with the idea of buying your own home instead or renting? Are you tired of abiding by the landlord’s rules and having their decor? Now, might be the time to start looking into what it all entails.
The first thing you DON’T want to do is just start looking at homes. There are so many things you’ll want to educate yourself on first. Let’s start by taking the time to chat with the experts in the field? Who can you talk to? My suggestion would be to talk to a few realtors and see who you feel most connected to. See who you feel would be looking after your best interest and will take the time to properly educate you so you can make proper decisions along the way. This will most likely be the biggest purchase of your life.

Does a Kitchen Renovation add home value?

The kitchen is the heart of the home. When it’s well designed it can elevate the entire look and feel of a property, both in terms of appearance and in terms of functionality. And when it’s not, it can make an entire home feel dated and inefficient—which can be a big problem if you’re thinking of selling. Because it plays such an important role, many homeowners look to the kitchen first when making home improvements. But does a kitchen renovation increase home value enough to justify its expense?

A kitchen renovation is the third most popular type of home improvement, according to the National Association of Realtor’s (NAR) 2019 Remodeling Impact Report, with general kitchen upgrades coming in at number two. According to Remodeling magazine’s 2020 Cost vs. Valuereport however, the return on investment for all types of kitchen renovations—including mid-range and upscale remodels—is going down. So what gives? Below, we’ll go over what you need to know in answer to the question does a kitchen renovation increase home value?, including how you can make the most of your remodeling investment.

Does a Kitchen Renovation Increase Home Value?

In a word: yes. Most realtors will tell you that kitchens sell houses, but increasing home value and getting a big return on your spend aren’t the same thing. As you make a home renovation budget and determine which efforts are worth the cost, you’ll need to evaluate whether the expense of a major kitchen remodel is efficiently offset by the increase in home value that if affords.

Turning back to Remodeling magazine’s Cost vs. Value report, here’s how various degrees of a kitchen renovation increase home value:

Minor Kitchen Remodel – Midrange

Average cost: $23,452
Average resale value: 
Recouped expenses: 

Major Kitchen Remodel – Midrange 

Average cost: $68,490
Average resale value: 
Recouped expenses: 

Major Kitchen Remodel – Upscale 

Average cost: $135,547
Average resale value: 
Recouped expenses: 

Data was not provided for midrange major kitchen remodels.

You’re rarely—if ever—going to get a 100% return on a home improvement investment. For that reason, it’s important to do a careful cost benefit analysis and determine whether it’s worth spending tens of thousands of dollars (the average cost of all kitchen renovations is $25,093, or $150 a square foot, according to HomeAdvisor) to increase your home’s value.

Key to keep in mind here is that just as a stunning, updated kitchen can sell a home, an outdated kitchen can stand in the way of a sale. So even if you can’t do a complete kitchen renovation, you’ll still have something to gain from making targeted improvements (more on those later).


Spring has sprung
The market is picking up and the weather is getting nicer.........I love ❤️ this time of the year when we can ditch the winter coats. Happy Saturday *

Your home purchase........your biggest asset

Buying a home is probably the most expensive purchase you'll ever make.


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Data is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed accurate by the REALTORS® Association of Edmonton.
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